Spring Cleaning Tips for Hotels

In Hospitality, Hotel Management by HMG Hospitality Team

No detail is too small when it comes to the hospitality industry. This idea can be applied to every area of hospitality, but today we are specifically referring to cleaning. Spring is on it’s way, and it’s time to begin developing a plan of attack for the annual “Spring Cleaning.” When we say no detail is too small, we mean it. Guests can and will notice everything, and your property is always one coffee stain away from either a less favorable review, or a lack of repeat business. This isn’t to say that every single guest is working overtime to find the smallest of details to whine about, of course not, but it’s general good practice to be detail-oriented and acutely aware of the guest experience. Not to mention, competition among hotels is fierce and anything you can do to stand out is worth doing, and attention to small details will certainly help you stand out.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Hotels – Tending the Details

So, let’s take a look at the range of possible “small” cleaning details that are asking to be paid attention to this Spring.

Inspect the Infrequently Used Equipment – It’s easy to overlook equipment that isn’t used daily, and sometimes hardly at all. Worst case scenario, though, is when a guest requires a rollaway bed and low and behold – it’s broken. Save yourselves the embarrassment by taking out all equipment and inspecting it. Portable refrigerators, handicap accessible equipment, cribs, moveable laundry bins, vacuums, and more.

The Drapes Are Ready For a Turn – It can be a pain to clean drapes, especially since many of them need to be specially dry-cleaned. Regardless, ensuring that the window units get deep cleaned is essential. Dusty drapes, windows that don’t lock properly, or dirty windows in general are all unsightly and offer a negative picture of your hotel. Take some time this Spring to deep clean these areas.

Tend to the Fixtures – Though they may be up high, fixtures attract piles of dust, cobwebs and who knows what else. Take down those beautiful chandeliers and send them out to be specially cleaned by an expert. Go into the bathrooms in each room, take down the showerheads, and unclog the holes. I’m sure if you sat down and made a list of all the fixtures and whether or not they need attention, you’ll end up with a lengthy list.

Check the Shower Curtains – Picture this – a guest taking a relaxing shower before or after a long day of business or pleasure, just to look over and see a stained and gross looking shower curtain. This is not an experience you want any of your guests to have, so while you’re in Spring cleaning mode attend to the shower curtains as well. The shower curtain hooks may need attention as well, soak them in a bucket of white vinegar or cleaner to eliminate built up scum.

Don’t Skip the Areas Out of Sight – Team member locker rooms can become cluttered and messy and go months, or even years, without being attended to. Just because an area is out of sight from the guests, doesn’t mean it should be skipped! Being clean and detail organized isn’t just an aesthetic practice – it’s also a health practice. A truly healthy organization makes sure to keep all areas clean and full of vibrant productive energy.

Cleaning is a never-ending cycle in a hotel, and though those suggestions are useful, there are plenty more to consider. Don’t forget to detail the pool and spa, the carpets, flooring… truly the list can go on and on. Cleaning isn’t anyone’s favorite activity typically, but it is a necessary one, and you’ll thank yourselves over the busy summer season for deep cleaning in the Spring when you had the time. Put off Spring cleaning and you’ll regret it when those poor reviews come pouring in. Do your team and your hotel a favor, by organizing the Spring cleaning procedures today! If you need any help managing the cleaning process contact Young Yoon at HMG Hospitality, and get the guidance of a skilled team of industry experts. The details of your hotel will determine the level of success, so be sure to do everything you can to get organized and ready before summer vacations begin.

Young Yoon is the Corporate Director of Development, and is responsible for overall development of HMG Hospitality. He has more than 12 years of experience in the hospitality industry, including hotel and restaurant operations and corporate and brand management. Most notably, he managed operations for Sheraton, Warwick International Hotels, and NYLO Hotels, and as a part of the corporate office of InterContinental Hotels Group, he oversaw a portfolio of 63 hotels under six brands focusing on the Greater Los Angeles and Las Vegas regions. He studied at the Ceasar Ritz College in Brig Switzerland, an institution that specializes in hotel and restaurant management. While at Brig, he was a member of Eurochrie, an international organization supporting education and training for the hospitality industry.

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