5 Reasons Why Your Hotel’s Lobby Design is Crucial to the Revenue Pie

In Hotel Management by HMG Hospitality Team

In this technology-drive, social media focused society we all live in, it’s easy to forget that the single most important marketing tool you have, is having an excellent product. Yes, the competition for hotels is intense, and yes having a robust and effective digital marketing strategy is key, but all of that is moot if some of the details have yet to be tended to. What many hoteliers may not realize, is just how crucial having an inviting lobby really is. To help further explain just why the lobby design is so important, we’ve got five quick reasons ready:

Why Focus on Your Hotel’s Lobby Design?

It’s The Hotel’s Very First Impression

Regard your lobby as the hotel’s first impression, and believe us, it will leave a lasting one. It’s up to you to figure out how to ensure it’s a good lasting first impression. Example – if the lobby smells funky, or the furniture looks decrepit, or if it feels closed off rather than open, guests will wish to leave the lobby as soon as possible, which isn’t the goal. Especially considering the lobby often features some important revenue-driving features, i.e. a cocktail bar, you want guests to enjoy spending time, and money, there.

It Sets The Ambiance

The mood of the lobby should reflect the mood of the hotel, and you want that mood to be on the guests resonate with. Of course, no single hotel can make every single guest happy, ever, but you should strive to please whomever your target guests are. Example – If your hotel is set in a sunny, warm, beach-town, then voila, have your hotel lobby reflect those warm, happy vibes.

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It’s The Place Where Everyone Gets Settled

The hotel isn’t guests home, so therefore they are varying amounts of disoriented. The check-in desk is typically in the lobby, and it’s where guests become oriented, with the assistance of the front-desk team. The entire walk into the lobby, find the front desk, and check-in process should be quick, easy, and pleasant. If it isn’t, expect a severe lack of return guests and potentially negative reviews to turn up. If that hotel desk is too high, if it’s difficult to find, or if the front-desk team aren’t friendly or helpful, then you’ve got #lobbyproblems.

It’s a Meeting Place

For the most part, there’s only so much that guests will be doing in their rooms, and will eventually wander out into the lobby in search of food, drinks, socializing, charging stations, and more. The lobby is where families arrange to meet, couples decide to go socialize in, etc. Yet, if your hotel lobby is not inviting, does not have a restaurant or bar, does not have cozy couches and lounge chairs, and doesn’t feature charging stations…? Well, let’s just say it won’t be a meeting place, and revenue and good cheer won’t be spent there.

It Can Be a Waiting Place

This is key – in between excursions, business meetings, or check-in and check-out, guests often need a place to wait. Waiting is not many guests favorite pastime, but if your lobby is, as mentioned before, an inviting place, then the waiting guests will be satisfied. But, on the flip side, if the hotel lobby isn’t such an inviting place then the waiting will become a chore and the guests will leave with unfavorable feelings toward the hotel.

To conclude, the success of your hotel, and ultimately the revenue of your hotel, greatly depends on the state and ambiance of your hotel’s lobby. If your lobby is long overdue for a renovation, you can confidently go forth with the understanding that the renovation is an investment wisely spent. If your hotel lobby is looking sad, yet your hotel is spending an exorbitant amount on marketing efforts, considering scaling back on the marketing and re-allocating funds towards the renovation. However you want to go about it, ensure your lobby is as best as it can be, and the revenue will follow suit.

If your hotel is in need of hotel management, advice, or direction, please don’t hesitate to call HMG Hospitality, the leading hotel management organization.